Thursday, May 14, 2009

Finally Spring

I absolutely love Spring. And this past winter has seemed like the longest winter ever. But finally warmer days are here. As soon as it's even remotely warm, we head to the lake. For Mother's Day, we decided to head to Port Clinton, one of our favorite places to go. We didn't have any set plans, we just headed out there. We stopped at a park and ate lunch right by the water. It's so nice, because the lake is so big, it seems just like you're at the ocean. After lunch, we got back in the van (after realizing that the keys were locked in the van and having an old man break into our van with an old fishing pole), and we started driving. We came across a ferry that was going to Put-in-Bay (an island) and we were surprised to see that it was very inexpensive for all of us to get there. So we quickly parked the van and hopped on the ferry for the 15 minute ride to the island. This was the first time the kids had been on a ferry, so it was a fun, somewhat scary experience for them. The island was very family friendly, we went to a park and then we walked around and looked at all of the shops. We rented a golf cart and drove around the small island. The battery in our camera was just about dead, so I didn't get many pictures. But it was definitely a day we'll always remember.

We've also done a lot of yard work. We both take pride in our little house, and it's always fun to work on the yard together. Nathan did a lot of work in the backyard, and I planted a bunch of flowers in the front. I've been looking for a wreath for the front door for months. Everything I found was ugly and incredibly expensive- I couldn't bring myself to pay $50 for an ugly wreath! So this past weekend we went to Hobby Lobby and I found everything I needed to make a wreath for only $11! I was very happy and I love the way it looks.

1 comment:

JennyLee said...

Sounds like a wonderful getaway. :)