Thursday, May 7, 2009

Catching Up

Has it really been a month since I last updated this? I always want to write something clever and witty and have lots of awesome pictures. It doesn't always work out that way though. Especially since my brain goes on vacation when I'm pregnant!
So to recap what we've been doing the last few weeks- we went to see Nathan's sister Jessica's new baby. She and her husband, Morgan, live a couple of hours away in Michigan. Their little girl, Delayney, is a perfect combination of the both of them. This is the kid's first cousin and they were very excited to meet her.
Malachi just learned how to ride his bike. It's been a long time coming. He's been practicing for a while, but he doesn't have much patience, so he would give up after a few tries. But this past weekend, it finally clicked and he's been riding his bike since then. He went for a bike ride with Nathan. A very sweet memory!
I'm almost 14 weeks pregnant. I have my first doctor's appointment tomorrow. For some reason, I have this feeling that it might be twins. I think it's twins every time, but my belly is huge and I usually don't show very much until around 5 or 6 months. I'm kind of nervous to find out- either I'm having twins, or I'll feel bad about being so super fat. :)
I tried to organize the pictures, but it's too difficult to get them to work right on blogger. So here they are. I'll definitely write something better in the future. The kids dancing to Kids Bop kind of makes it a little hard to think straight.

1 comment:

amandarickman said...

Yeah! You're pregnant! I'm so happy for you guys! Twins would be such a delight...and don't you worry 'bout a thing're beautiful!