Thursday, July 31, 2008

We're Lake People

Today we visited Nathan's Aunt Janet. She lives on Coldwater Lake in Michigan, about an hour and a half away from us. Spending the day on the water only confirmed to us that we absolutely must have a house on the water one day.
The best part of the day was when Nathan and I took Malachi, Aylah and Gabs out on a paddle boat while Zeke napped on a swing with Aunt Janet. This was definitely one of the best days so far this summer!

The kids in their life jackets

Zeke upset because I kept shooing him away from crawling down the stairs.

Don't we look like we belong on the lake? And this is evidently my natural hair color now. When did it turn red?!?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Best Summer Yet

I don't know why, but this summer has been amazing. We've done so many outdoors things, which is by far our favorite thing to do as a family. We go to the beach about once a week and we've found all kinds of fun spots on the river.
We also celebrated Ezekiel's one year birthday. We took the kids to the zoo for his birthday and enjoyed some family time at home. It makes me sad that my baby is already a year old... I guess that means we're due for another one! haha

These pictures are random, but they sum up what we've been doing in the past month...

My big boy!!!

So handsome!!!

Gabs and Daddy on the 4th of July

Opening presents

Having fun at the zoo

The other day, I took Malachi and Aylah to the grocery store. As we were walking out, I let them each pick something from the quarter machines. This is what Malachi chose.

Nathan made the best pizza ever. All from scratch! We often talk about one day opening up our own restaurant and making up recipes for the menu. We put black olives on the whole pizza, and 1/3 pepperoni, 1/3 mushrooms and onion and 1/3 artichokes and sundried tomatoes. It was sooo good!