Friday, February 1, 2008

Blind Man's Bluff

During the winter, the kids are cooped up in the house all day. So in an attempt to keep them all from going crazy, we play games. Endlessly. The irony is that the never ending games drives me crazy! :)

They each have their favorite game. Malachi is the Operation champion, Aylah beats everyone at Memory and Gabs is a whiz at Blind Man's Bluff. Nathan places a little stuffed swan in Ezekiel's swing, blind folds Gabs and spins her around. He then puts her in the kitchen, and somehow, she can run straight to that little swan. It's the funniest thing ever.

Here's a video of Gabs playing her favorite game!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This video is adorable! How does she do that?