Monday, April 28, 2008


Staying at home with four kids, it's only understandable that some days are better than others. Today wasn't that kind of day. It went a little something like this... the morning was spent with Malachi and Aylah arguing over the "correct" way to sing their ABC's. Each of them trying to out sing the other, resulting in Aylah crying and Malachi letting out a frustrated, "arghh!". Then I attempted to fold laundry. It didn't work out so great with Ezekiel trying to climb up on my lap and rubbing his snotty, drooly face into the clean laundry. I try to workout every day, but I'm usually smart enough to do it when the kids are napping. But today I got to do pilates with little legs and arms tangled in front of my face. But the real highlight came when Gabs knocked over her little potty not once, but twice. To anyone who's ever potty trained a child, having a miniature potty smack in the middle of your living room is no big deal. But to anyone who hasn't potty trained a child, it's straight up nasty. Ok, it's straight up nasty any way you look at it, but it's a necessary evil when you consider the alternative, i.e. changing diapers.
Nathan is nice enough to let me get out of the house as soon as he comes home from work. So after we ate dinner, I was able to escape for a while. As I was driving to the library (my idea of a good time), I cranked up the music and starting thinking about how even though this wasn't the greatest day we've ever had, I still want to remember it. Because I know these moments will be gone in the blink of an eye. One day my mornings will be quiet and I'll miss those little voices, those very loud little voices. I'll be able to exercise without a body plopping on my belly as I try to do sit ups. I'll clean the windows and there will be no sticky hands plastered on them.
So on my way home, I stopped in the store and got a notebook. I want to be able to write down everything that happens in the days I spend with my children. The good and the not so good. Because I know one day I'll sit down and read it and I'll realize that it was all really good.

1 comment:

amandarickman said...

you are a good mommy Sandra...i believe your children will have forever good memories...situps on belly and all :)