Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Story Time

One of our new favorite activities is story time at the library. I had been meaning to take the little boys for a while, so a couple of months ago we went and they had so much fun! We try to go every week now. They sing songs, read stories and do a craft. And then we get to pick out books when they're all done! I do feel bad for the older kids- they get so upset when they hear we've been to story time. But next week is spring break so they'll have a chance to go too! :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Hello again!

One of my goals for the new year was to start writing on my blog again. My sweet husband actually bought me a site domain and spent hours designing it. I had every intention of writing on it, but I never did. Not even once. The truth is, I love writing. In any way, shape or form- it makes me happy. But I've gotten so busy with the kids, family, life in general. I just forget to write anymore. I actually write things in my head on a daily basis, but that's not exactly the same as writing things down. I've often felt like I have nothing interesting to post on my blog. Why would anyone want to read about my life? But then it hit me- I love writing, so it really shouldn't matter if anyone else reads it. I'm going to start writing again for me. Because it makes me happy and just maybe it will make someone else happy too.

I obsess over having a clean house. I was trying to figure out when it started, because I used to be rather messy. I think it was after I had Aylah and we moved into a small apartment. Nate was working full time and going to school full time, so the kids and I spend most of our time in that little apartment. I started to find so much pleasure in making our small space look nice and tidy. And as we moved into bigger homes and had more children, that desire to keep our house looking nice grew even more. Fridays are usually my deep cleaning days. I like to scrub everything down, get all of the laundry done before the weekend and just make everything look nice. But this Friday is different. Our washer is broken, so doing laundry is out. And my toe is also broken, so I have no choice but to relax today. Ordinarily, I don't let the kids dump their toys all over the place, but today I decided to have a completely messy, fun day. And I've gotta say, I think I'm going to make this a Friday tradition. One day of mess has got to make all of the other days of clean and tidy that much better, right? :)